Volume I (Derivatives and Geometry in R3) presents basics of Calculus starting with the construction of the natural, rational, real and complex numbers, and proceeding to analytic geometry in two and three space dimensions, Lipschitz continuous functions and derivatives, together with a variety of applications.
Volume II (Integrals and Geomtery in Rn) develops the Riemann integral as the solution to the problem of determining a function given its derivative, and proceeds to generalizations in the form of initial value problems for general systems of ordinary differential equations, including a variety of applications. Linear algebra including numerics is also presented.
Volume III (Calculus in Several Dimensions) presents Calculus in several variables including partial derivatives, multi-dimensional integrals, partial differential equations and finite element methods, together with a variety of applications modeled as systems of partial differential equations.
The authors are leading researchers in Computational Mathematics who have written various successful books.
Further information on Applied Mathematics: Body and Soul can be found at http://www.phi.chalmers.se/bodysoul/.