Kathleen Mahon is an Adjunct Research Fellow at the Research Institute for Professional Practice, Learning and Education, Charles Sturt University, Australia. She has taught in universities, secondary schools and outdoor education centres in Australia. Kathleen is a member of the Pedagogy Education and Praxis (PEP) international research network and is actively involved in cross-national projects related to teacher education and higher education. Her research interests include educational and research praxis, higher education pedagogy, the professional learning of teachers, and practice theory. Kathleen’s doctoral research examined how critical pedagogical praxis is nurtured in higher education.
Susanne Francisco has worked in universities, schools and Vocational Education and Training organisations, and is currently a teacher educator in Adult and Vocational Education at Charles Sturt University. She has held research and professional development positions in the Australian Commonwealth government. Her research interests include work-based learning; mentoring; continuing professional learning; the learning of casual employees; and leading teaching and learning in adult and vocational education. Susanne is a member of the PEP international research network.
Stephen Kemmis is Professor Emeritus in the Research Institute for Professional Practice, Learning and Education, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia. He is co-author with Wilfred Carr of Becoming Critical: Knowledge, Education and Action Research (Falmer, 1986) and, with Robin McTaggart and Rhonda Nixon, of The Action Research Planner: Doing Critical Participatory Action Research (Springer, 2014). His recent writings on the theories of practice architectures and ecologies of practices include (with Wilkinson, Edwards-Groves, Grootenboer & Bristol) Changing Practices, Changing Education (Springer, 2014). Stephen is a member and co-founder of the PEP international research network.