K was now two years old and he was growing into a healthy young male koala. K was just like the other teenage koalas, except for one thing, oh my, K was so lazy, he loved sleeping. You should know that koalas actually sleep for 16-20 hours per day. But K, he was extraordinary, he could sleep for 22 hours per day. Goodness, just imagine how long K slept. If he went to sleep at eight o’clock in the evening, that meant, he would only wake up at six o’clock in the evening on the following day.
But one day, something happens in the forest, and K will have a new adventure! Fantastic adventure!
One of the most prolific book authors from Indonesia. He has more than 6 million followers on social media. Written more than 50 books, sold millions of copies in Indonesia. Some have been translated into several foreign languages.