These 171 peer-reviewed papers, from the 3rd International Conference on Material and Manufacturing Technology (ICMMT 2012) held on the 5th and 6th May 2012 in Chengdu, China, are grouped into thirteen chapters: Novel Developments in Composites; Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials; Thermo-Mechanical and High Strain Rate Effects, and Energy Properties of Materials; Trends in Materials and Manufacturing; Deformation, Stress Analysis and Vibration; Applications of Finite Element Methods, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Techniques in Manufacturing; Numerically Controlled and Non-Conventional Machining; Fatigue, Fracture and Failure Analysis and Fault Diagnosis; Advancement in Manufacturing Technology; Virtual Design, Modeling, Simulation and Optimization; Computer Applications in Manufacturing and Analysis; Production Information Systems, Environment, Emission, and Combustion; Related Topics.