Orphaned as a young child, Emma Booth was raised by her grandparents in a Lancashire village. Following her grandfather's sudden death, Emma assumes she is now without family, until she finds a letter written in 1940 from a woman to her widowed father. The letter reveals that before his death at Dunkirk, her father had fathered another child, and that Emma has a half-sister, Betty Booth.
Determined to find Betty, Emma is drawn away from the countryside to the austere city life of post-war Liverpool. But building a relationship with Betty isn't easy, and Emma has to overcome dogged obstruction from Betty's aunt, Elsie, to be a part of her sister's life. Despite the challenges, the sisters discover common ground and get along well, until a secret threatens to disrupt their newfound relationship and life together.
An engaging post-war family saga, perfect for fans of Katie Flynn and Kitty Neale.
June Francis’ sagas include Step by Step, A Dream To Share, When Clouds Go Rolling By, Tilly’s Story and Sunshine and Showers. She had her first novel published at forty and is married with three sons. She lives in Liverpool.