Contributors provide a range of examples to guide early years practitioners as they develop their own methods of observation. Play, social interaction, and cooperation with parents are shown to be valuable opportunities for keen observation. Chapters discuss:
- moving beyond data-focussed assesment
- Characteristics of Effective Learning
- ensuring inclusive assessment
- collaborating with parents from diverse backgrounds
- outdoor learning – a Forest School approach.
Inspiring and empowering, Celebrating Children’s Learning is essential reading for teachers, practitioners, and students involved in early education.
Julian Grenier is the headteacher of Sheringham Nursery School and Children’s Centre in East London, UK, and is a National Leader of Education.
Sue Finch has worked in the early years sector for over 40 years and is a highly experienced education consultant. Sue has worked on a wide range of national projects in the early years, including the Pen Green Teaching Centres Project.
Caroline Vollans worked as a primary school teacher for 15 years before completing clinical training in Lacanian psychoanalysis. She now works as a student counsellor, as well as providing staff supervision in nursery settings.