Lord Anthony Nelthorpe has committed many sins – including his attempt to seduce well-bred Jenna Montague Fairchild. But now Anthony’s injuries from the Waterloo battlefield are being nursed by the very woman he wronged...
Though he’s the last man on earth Jenna wants to see, Anthony shocks the wealthy young widow out of her frightening apathy. Since Jenna has saved his rascal skin, does she not owe it to society to make a better man of him?
Now Jenna is to reform him by Christmas, the season of miracles, while Anthony must figure out how to win this wager without wanting her all over again...
Long before embarking on romantic adventures of her own, Julia Justiss read about them, transporting herself to such favourite venues as ancient Egypt, World War II submarine patrols, the Old South and, of course, Regency England. Soon she was keeping notebooks for jotting down story ideas. When not writing or traveling, she enjoys watching movies, reading and puttering about in the garden trying to kill off more weeds than flowers.