This Book offers new insights to old ideas. Chiliasm Prophecy Model is resurrected from the writings of three principal legendary Church Fathers of the Christian faith: St. Irenaeus of Lyons, St. Justin of Rome (Justin Martyr) and Tertullian. New theological discoveries by the author are presented throughout the book: For example, did you know that the famous “Rapture” verse (1 Thessalonians 4:17) and the “change in twinkling of any eye” oracle (1 Corinthians 15:50 – 52) could be referring two different events which are separated by 1000 years? Sometimes the writing takes a dialogue form where the author states the questions with which he wrestles with whenever he quotes old Christian works providing insightful academic comments as well in the process. Every ancient writing quoted has never been condemned by classical Christianity and so it’s a must read for Protestants, Catholics and Orthodox alike (while some of these writings has been considered canonical Scripture by considerable parts of Christendom). A serious implication of the Chiliast prophecy “possibility” regarding the new “Non Elect Salvation” concept invented by the author is presented in light of this Model. Mysterious quotes from other Church Fathers and some renown Christians are presented together with interpretation and interpolations of difficult Bible verses to support it. This Book is not fully doctrine since we cannot be sure 100% regarding the prophecy part and rather attempts to do an honest excursion rather than a ‘Mr. Know it all’ type of attitude.
This book studies an entirely new concept which is non elect salvation. I invented the academic term "Non Elect Salvation" to denote this possibility. The idea is that there is a salvation outside of the Christian Salvation (which is the well known Elect Salvation) and it differs in the time which it occurs (second resurrection), the final abode (final new earth), the judgment it endures (saved by fire, purified, sanctified) and even the type of bodily resurrection (terrestrial) which entails it. The recipients of this salvation could include both fallen Christians as well as non-Christians. A structure of proof is presented based on the fundamental notion of "no prophecy is of any private interpretation" (2 Peter 1:20) where the Chiliasm Church Fathers St. Justin of Rome (Justin Martyr) and St. Irenaeus of Lyons are primarily consulted followed by Tertullian, St. Methodius of Olympus and St. Victorinus of Pettau too. Where there is difference in their writings, I prefer to stick to St. Justin and St. Irenaeus for accuracy because they are earlier and boast of a closer relationship to the lineage of the Blessed apostles themselves. A key point to note is the challenge to the popular modern view that 1 Corinthians 15:50 - 52 refers to rapture but these Chiliasm fathers seem to point to 1000 years in human body first before a change into no more flesh and blood (or angelic) at the end of the Millennial Reign and other aspects are presented to match it. This is my original research and I have not seen any other scholar viewing 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and 1 Corinthians 15:52 as two different prophecies as I learnt it from these quotes. Apart from that, I study other aspects of Chiliasm Prophecy to build a rigorous Model so that it can be considered a possibility of truth.
The book has brand new theological interpolations not found in any other book. For example, the claim of 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and 1 Corinthians 15:52 is separated by 1000 years, Baptism by Fire perspective as Spirit World Judgment with a Chiliasm touch, Post-Mortem salvation ideas different from universalism and even discusses whether Matthew 19 can be seen as a two-fold response revealing Non-Elect Salvation vs Elect Salvation. Please read the conclusion of the book to understand the “new” discoveries proposed as possibilities (too much to list here individually for the “my interpolations” part).
Jonathan Ramachandran is a self taught theological enthusiast who loves the Chiliasm Church Fathers and tries to understand Prophecy of the Bible with their writings. He can be contacted at CoachJonathanRamachandran@