A glance at various ecclesiastical principles and examination of the foundations on which the institutions of the church on earth are sought to be basedThe character of the religious movement of the day and on the truths by which the Holy Ghost acts for the good of the church.
'The Church and its Friendly Subdivisions'
Scriptural views upon the subject of elders, in answer to a tract entitled "Are Elders to be Established?"
Examination of a few passages of Scripture, the force of which has been questioned in the discussion on the new churches etc.
Observations on a tract, entitled "Plymouthism in view of the Word of God."
What has been acknowledged?
An appeal to the conscience of those who take the title of "Elders of the Evangelical Church at Geneva"; and a reply to one of them.
A letter to Count de Gasparin in answer to a question which he puts to me in the "Archives du Christianisme."
Reply to two fresh letters from Count de Gasparin, published in the "Archives du Christianisme," etc.
A short answer to the last article by Count de Gasparin, published in the "Archives du Christianisme."