Bless yYou! preesents these vivid images of a rich biblically Hebraic tradition: Covenant and Blessing, God's Personal Blessing, The Irrevocable Blessing, Applying God's Name, Releasing God to Bless, Family Blessings, Contending for Blessing, and God's Final Blessing.
Restoring biblically Hebraic blessings will revolutionize your family life and will enrich youre personal experience with God.
John D. Garr, Ph.D., is founder and president of Hebraic Christian Global Community (, an international, transdenominational, and multiethnic networking organization that serves as a publishing and educational resource to the Christian church at large. He is also founder and chancellor of Hebraic Heritage Christian Colelge ( An academician with a pastor's heart, Dr. Garr is able to contextualize biblical truths in terms that laypersons can understand. He challenges believers to a biblically sound, Christocentric faith that is grounded in the Hebraic heritage of Jesus and the apostles.