Mo Daoust
SUCH GOOD WORK is an autofiction novel, a fictionalised autobiography. Jonas Anderson, our protagonist, is a creative writing teacher who has been battling drug addiction and drinking for most of his adult life. After yet another dismissal from a school, since he has dual American-Swedish citizenship, he decides to go to Sweden to pursue his Master's degree and try to sober up in a country where drugs are not so easily accessible. Written from a first person point of view, SUCH GOOD WORK is unlike other books I have read on the subject of drug addiction. Its aim is not to sensationalise or titillate, but to tell the story of a man who is dissatisfied with his life but doesn't quite know how to go about it. Jonas relates his withdrawal attempts in a matter-of-fact, and sometimes chilling way. I felt mostly neutral about Jonas: I didn't dislike him but I didn't like him either. He doesn't know who he is, and I don't feel I got to really now him ether. Jonas is defined by his addictions, and even when he tries to sober up, he doesn't really want to; it's what he knows he ought to do. Until he finds something that shakes him up. Even though I am in no way qualified, it eventually occurred to me that Jonas falls somewhere in the sociopathic spectrum and doing drugs is his way of trying to feel. SUCH GOOD WORK is very well written, it's fast-paced, but Jonas' head is a strange place to inhabit. He's selfish, unfeeling and human interactions are always a trial for him. However, these traits make him an excellent observer, and his insights on Sweden, Malmö, and immigration are most enlightening because of this. What began as a story about addiction ends with the plight of Muslim immigrants. SUCH GOOD WORK feels like a very long short story because, in the end, nothing is really settled for Jonas.