A Practical Treatise on Draining Bogs and Swampy Grounds: Illustrated by Figures, with Cursory Remarks Upon the Originality of Mr. Elkington's Mode of Draining, to which are Added Directions for Making a New Kind of Strong, Cheap, and Durable Fence, for Rich Lands, for Erecting, at Little Expence, Mill-dams, Or Weirs Upon Rivers, that Shall be Alike Firm and Durable, for Effectually Guarding Against Encroachments by the Sea Upon the Land, and for Gradually Raising Drowned Fens, Into Sound Grass-lands : as Also, Disquisitions Concerning the Different Breeds of Sheep, and Other Domestic Animals, Being the Principal Additions that Have Been Made to the Fourth Edition of Essays Relating to Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Published Separately, for the Accommodation of the Purchasers of the Former Editions of this Work
James Anderson
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