A Google user
This is a look at the world around us, and how America is being systematically destroyed, but not from the "usual" sources. It is not a pretty picture.
Anyone who takes vitamins or nutritional supplements needs to know about the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Under the auspices of the UN and the World Health Organization, it is an international commission whose aim is to ban the sale of all herbs, vitamins and minerals for therapeutic purposes, and to have all nutritional supplements available only through a doctor's prescription. Do an internet search for "National Security Strategy Memorandum 200." Written by Henry Kissinger, it became official US policy in 1975. It advocates the radical de-population of the Third World, and is in line with elite support of eugenics, to get rid of all those "useless eaters."
Politicians keep talking about how American schools will prepare students to thrive in the 21st Century. The problem is that American schools, based on the Prussian model, were never designed to prepare students for anything, except to be quiet drones, who are paid to work, and not think. Normal activities like taking pictures around town can get a person arrested by Homeland Security. Do you remember President Obama's 2009 speech to schoolchildren across America? According to some, it was political indoctrination that would turn America's young people into mindless, Obama-loving zombies.
All banks pay into an FDIC reserve fund, which is supposed to help banks in trouble. In 1981, the federal balance sheet said that there was $11 billion in the fund. One day, the FDIC Chairman called the Treasury Secretary and asked to visit and see the money. He was told that there is no money; it was all put into the general fund long ago. So if a bank is in trouble, the Treasury simply borrows the money. Simple, no?
This book touches on a whole host of other subjects, including FEMA camps, TSA airport body scans that are not deleted, the 2008 financial crisis, implanting people with microchips, and ways to not become a "zombie." As with nearly anything by Jim Marrs, this easily reaches the level of Wow. It has something to upset nearly everyone. It is very highly recommended.
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Ethan Reeves
anyone who is educated enough to do some fact checking will see what an amazing author and journalist jim marrs has been and continues to be, not only do i love his work im proud he's also from texas as im from dallas and have family in austin , i would love if jim was able to find time to write into some of the not so public texas history, but at instead this great journalist took time to educate the people hoping they might find brains enough to wake up, thank you jim
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A Google user
This book reveals the who, what, when, where, and why in revealing the truth was to whats really behind this economical downward spiral, the domestic and global takeover, how they are destroying the minds of Americans, and how they hijacked our economy, health care, education, media, and freedoms. It then provides the solutions. We have become a zombie nation and unless Americans take their minds back.