It’s enough to leave you overwhelmed—well, at least it was enough to leave me overwhelmed! I found it really difficult to process all the information and choose the crystals that would work best to channel my energy force to grant me health, energy, and inner peace.
Here is a preview of what you'll learn...
· Uncovered! The complete guide to healing yourself, quickly and easily.
· Revealed! Once you heal yourself, you will have the power to heal others, becoming a medicine healer.
· Unlock every technique to help others heal themselves and change your life forever.
· And much, much more!
This book is simple and easy to follow. Using crystals in your daily meditative and healing practices will empower you, direct your thoughts, and initiate a flow of creative energy.
It will nudge you on a path to progress in every sphere of life.
Hi, my name is Jerome Styron. I love travelling. I love spending time with my family.