Jenny Cave is a Senior Lecturer in Tourism and Hospitality Management at the University of Waikato, New Zealand. Her background in anthropology, museology and cultural attraction management shapes a research agenda in linkages between tourism, migration and poverty reduction in rural and island peripheries as well as cultural/heritage enterprise and festivals/events in the Pacific, Caribbean and Canada and collective methodologies.
Lee Jolliffe is a Professor of Hospitality and Tourism, University of New Brunswick, Canada. With a museum studies and tourism background, her research interests include studying how culinary heritage and tourism intersect. Recent publications include the edited volume Sugar Heritage and Tourism in Transition (Channel View Publications, 2013) and the co-authored volume (Hilary du Cros and Lee Jolliffe) The Arts and Events (Routledge, 2014).
Tom Baum is Programme Director, Hong Kong University SPACE programmes in Tourism and Hospitality Management at the University of Strathclyde. His research agenda includes: people and work in low skills service work, with a particular focus on the international hospitality and tourism sector as well as human resource development and skills planning and formation, education and training, at a macro (national) and company level.