Jenny Benois-Pineau is a professor of computer science at the University of Bordeaux and head of the “Video Analysis and Indexing research group of the “Image and Sound team of LABRI UMR 58000 Université Bordeaux / CNRS / IPB-ENSEIRB. She was deputy scientific director of theme B of the French national research unit CNRS GDR ISIS (2008-2015) and is currently in charge of international relations at the College of Sciences and Technologies of the University of Bordeaux. She obtained her doctorate in Signals and Systems in Moscow and her Habilitation to Direct Research in Computer Science and Image Processing at the University of Nantes in France. Her subjects of interest include image and video analysis and indexing, artificial intelligence methods applied to image recognition.
Dragutin Petkovic is Professor in the Computer Science department at San Francisco State University, USA.