Isabella's and her dreams are turning an ordinary backyard into an extraordinary adventure! A must-read for lovers of the Isabella series: My Name is not Isabella, Isabella: Star of the Story, Isabella: Girl in Charge, and My Name is not Alexander.
The precocious, purple-haired traveler spends the day playing with her dad as she pretends everyday things (like the sandbox) are extraordinary places. Isabella ends the day in her own home-sweet-home, the most wonderful place to be. Travel around the world to places like:
Jennifer Fosberry first visited the Statue of Liberty as a child with her Girl Scout troop and climbed to the top of El Castillo on her honeymoon. She has waved to Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower on her way to Rome and glanced toward the Great Wall of China from Taiwan. And while the Great Pyramids are still a mystery she hopes to discover one day, she is always comfortable at home. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, three children, and a little dog that keeps her company while she works on her next book.
Mike Litwin combines a variety of media to create scenes that serve the imagination and education of children. A graduate of the East Carolina University School of Art and Design, he plays both designer and illustrator with an often wacky, always delightful style that uniquely blends playful innocence with devilish mischief. Illustrating and telling stories for children is his passion, his entertainment, and his dream. He currently lives in Greenville, North Carolina, with his wife and three daughters.