Jean Walrand received his Ph.D. in EECS from UC Berkeley, and has been on the faculty of that department since 1982. He is the author of An Introduction to Queueing Networks (Prentice Hall, 1988), Communication Networks: A First Course (2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1998), and Probability in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Amazon, 2014), and co-author of High-Performance Communication Networks (2nd ed., Morgan Kaufman, 2000), Scheduling and Congestion Control for Communication and Processing Networks (Morgan & Claypool, 2010), and Sharing Network Resources (Morgan & Claypool, 2014). His research interests include stochastic processes, queuing theory, communication networks, game theory, and the economics of the Internet. Prof. Walrand is a Fellow of the Belgian American Education Foundation and of the IEEE, and a recipient of the Informs Lanchester Prize, the IEEE Stephen O. Rice Prize, the IEEE Kobayashi Award, and the ACM Sigmetrics Achievement Award. Shyam Parekh received his Ph.D. in EECS from UC Berkeley in 1986. He is currently an Associate Adjunct Professor in the EECS department at UC Berkeley. He has previously worked at AT&T Labs, Bell Labs, TeraBlaze, and ConSentry Networks. He was a co-chair of the Application Working Group of the WiMAX Forum during 2008. He is a co-editor of Quality of Service Architectures for Wireless Networks (Information Science Reference, 2010). He currently holds 10 U.S. patents. His research interests include architecture, modeling, and analysis of both wired and wireless networks.