I mean, sure. Life in general is strange. Ordinary life, that is. It’s filled with all sorts of weird little strangeness. Running into somebody you hadn’t seen in years. Walking into a bathroom and completely forgetting why you were in there. Dieting.
All that is just ordinary strange stuff. It’s weird. But it’s a weird that we’re pretty much programmed to accept.
I, however, have a different level of weirdness in my life. A different level of strange.
My name is Emma Valentine and I’m Cupid’s daughter.
* * *
For Fiona Stacy, love is far from easy. In a city with over 8 million people, it feels like she’s dated at least half of the men who live there. And worse, it feels like the other half have all gotten together and conspired to make sure she’s going to die an old maid.
And when your best friend is Cupid’s daughter it makes the whole thing even more frustrating. To Fiona, it feels like Emma Valentine is looking for love for everyone, except for her.