My book of verses is a collection of poems I have written throughout the years. Some are inspired by events in my life. Others are purely figments of my imagination. I write about people I have encountered, news event. the way I see the world and the things around me, anything and everything that inspires me. I try not to offend anyone by making blanket statements or speaking in absolutes. The way I see the world is strictly from my point of view and not intended to be construed as factual. I might appear to be preaching from a soap box, at times. I hope not but we all see the world in different ways. I write about the way I see it. My poems are intended for anyone that can open a book. I attempt to add a bit of humor, a little drama, a lot of love, a touch of evil. In essence I have mixed a variety of ingredients together to make it interesting. The purpose of my poetry is to, hopefully, take the reader away from reality for a while. Its intended to relax the mind for a spell I believe that is the purpose of a book. It is like a fountain of knowledge where the thirsty mind can be quenched. It can be a companion for the lonely at heart, an oasis in the midst of reality where one can escape for a while. Poetry is my passion. Its my escape from reality, my high, so to speak. a tranquilizer to combat lifes stressful moments.