Ten-year-old Kaity is busy trying to get rid of her mum's creepy new boyfriend and reunite her divorced parents, but her curiosity gets the better of her when she meets the new mall Santa and his enchanting daughter Blizzard. Can Kaity help them save Christmas from being destroyed by Anti-Claus - a pretend Santa who is a permanent member of the naughty list?
It's Christmas in the village of Chelferry, but this year the snowmen can move, the fairy won't stay on top of the Christmas tree, and if you listen closely to the musical Christmas cards, you can hear the faint sound of screaming over the Jingle Bells...
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Creepy Christmas is a 50,000 word (approx 200 pages) novel suitable for ages 8 and upwards.
[Keywords: Christmas, family, divorce, middle-grade, Santa, holidays, festive, freebie, free.]
Jaimie is a 29-year-old English-sounding Welsh girl with an awkward-to-spell name. She lives in South Wales and enjoys writing, gardening, drinking tea and watching horror movies. She hates spiders and cheese & onion crisps.
She has been writing for years, but has never before plucked up the courage to tell people.
She is the author of chick-lit romantic comedy Kismetology and YA romantic comedies Afterlife Academy, Not Pretty Enough, and North Pole Reform School.