Edward Gantt
Profound and eye-opening. The Antichrist may be the Pope, but he could also be a charismatic Muslim supported by the Vatican. What is apparent is that Jews will once again be persecuted by the Antichrist and a False Prophet. I have the opinion the religion of the end times will be Islam which allows no room for belief in any other religion. Death awaits anyone refusing to bow down to Islam. Mystery Babylon points both to Roman Catholicism and Islam, and current debates pick one or the other. However, after reading this tract, Mystery Babylon may encompass both. Most people will probably think that one is crazy if one suggests that the Vatican created Islam.
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Vile, disgusting and biased, as a Muslim I know this is definitely what my
religion doesn't do or represent what is shown in your comic. I am truly
ashamed that you could include such rubbish and false claims about Islam,
furthermore as a Muslim we have been instructed by Prophet Muhammad (Peace
be upon him) to love and show the greatest amount of respect to all
Prophets especially Jesus (May ALLAH'S mercy and blessings be upon him), I
respect all faiths, regardless of gender, colour or orientation but I will
not allow Radicals of others faiths to tarnish the faith I follow, I would
seriously recommend that the person who wrote this comic, sit with learned
Scholars and then make your own mind up
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