The much-loved UNCLE series of children's books by JP Martin, illustrated by Quentin Blake, were fantastical, surreal, funny and heart-warming. Originally told by Martin to his children, they were finally published when he was over eighty years old - and the hilarious array of characters, including the rich but sometimes foolish elephant, Uncle, captured the imagination of children across the world. Fans include Neil Gaiman, Garth Nix, Kate Summerscale, Martin Rowson, Will Self and many more. While exploring the JP Martin archive 50 pages of unpublished Uncle stories were stumbled upon, which are just as hilarious and well-crafted as the published work, and also a fascinating biography of Martin, the missionary turned author, by his daughter, which explores the unique imagination and experiences that informed this remarkable and inventive genius. These have never been seen before and hopefully these can be shared with Uncle's legions of fans and introduce JP Martin and Uncle to more fans as well.