Morgan, a supreme Battle Lord with mysterious powers, hides in disguise as an adviser to parochial kings. Exposed by fate, war finds him in the form of an ambitious general representing the greedy empire of the Protectorate. With his forces defeated in the field and his king killed, Morgan flees with his young protégé Nathaniel.
The ensuing journey is fraught with hardship, strife, betrayal and close order combat, as Morgan seeks out old alliances to seize back what stands unjustly taken. Is Kingship truly his aim? All, allies and foe alike, view him with suspicion. His task lies further complicated by the unfathomable, age-old relationship between him and his twin, who harbours a deep-seated bitterness towards his brother’s destiny.
With a long journey of years and distance behind him from the point at which he first started on a small island in the Caribbean, to England and finally Italy, the author decided to follow his heart. He turned his hand once again to what he loved most and brought him solace and joy in his youth – books. With his son grown and a new family around him, he graduated from reading into writing – an unimaginable step. His first attempt was ‘A Place to Belong To’. Five years later, he has written seven books in total with ‘A Man Who Walked the Mountains’ his latest. He is currently working on number eight, the closing story to a four-part fantasy series, ‘The Brothers of Destiny’.