Ivaldo Bertazzo works since the 1970s with the education of the body and the transformation of the gesture as a manifestation of individuality. Bertazzo travelled the world incorporating to his work the movements and the gestural culture of several places, until he created in 1976 the School of the Reeducation of Movement and the Bertazzo Method of the Reeducation of Movement. Today, Ivaldo works directly in the areas of health, education, art, and also sport, aiming to form professionals capacitated in the application of the Bertazzo Method in their daily activities. With this purpose, he gives courses, practices, and workshops throughout Brazil. When he was working with teenagers in risk zones, in 2002, he recruited youngsters from NGOs in several regions and started the project Dança Comunidade (Dance Community), in a partnership with Sesc SP. From this project were born the shows Samwaad – Rua do encontro and Milágrimas, presented in Brazil, France, and the Netherlands. In 2006, he founded Cia. TeatroDança, with which he recreated shows such as Mar de Gente, Kashmir Bouquet and Noé Noé!. Since 2010, Bertazzo and his team have been working on the theoretical organization of the Bertazzo Method, compiled in three books. The first and the third volumes were published by Edições Sesc SP, and the second one in a partnership between Edições Sesc SP and Editora Manole.