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It only gets better than the last book, Isle of Swords. Wayne Thomas Batson's Christian adventure/fantasy book, Isle of Fire, picks up where its predecessor left off in a way that will inspire and amaze readers. Cat, who lost his memory in the last book, is slowly regaining memories- memories that could haunt him for the rest of his life and change his life forever. Anne Ross, the spunky, courageous, and redheaded daughter of Declan Ross, grows in her faith in God and also has her dreams come true in the most unlikely way. Declan and Commodore Brandon Blake embark on an adventure (separated for the majority of the book) that will tie up loose ends and inspire all. Let's not forget Hopper. A quick-thinking, resourceful young man who captures the hearts of readers. And finally, Bartholomew Thorne and a new villain, the Merchant. Thorne is dead, or is he? The reader also finds out how dangerous the Merchant really is as the story builds up to a huge battle that will determine all. With a beautiful beginning, great building up of the story with the development of many characters, and the epic climax involving fire rain, I highly recommend this book. Now one small problem I had with this book was a flurry of action. It was a little bit hard to follow here and there, and I felt that at times it was very fast-paced, perhaps too much so. The settings and point-of-views varied quite a bit, but it wasn't too much a big deal. I just had to go back a reread now and then to let what I was reading soak in.
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Declan Ross, now employed by the monks and England as a ‘privateer’ out to capture other pirates, sets after ruthless Captain Thorne, whom is not as dead as once thought. Meanwhile, Cat leaves Ross to captain the monks’ fleet with Anne Ross in a quest to find the evil Merchant and take him down. Captain Thorne has not been idle, and enlists the help of Vikings and their mysterious fire to attack Britain. The Merchant, on the other hand, is much more dangerous than either Cat or Anne thought.
Isle of Fire is the epic conclusion, if he doesn’t write another book, of this series. It’s some of the best pirate fantasy I have ever read, both for youth and adult! :D
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This book is EXCELLENT. Like its prequel, Isle of Swords, it is full of mystery and danger. Cliffhangers abound. The characters face underwater labyrinths, hurricanes, fire rain, and berserkers, to name a few of their challenges. The characters are unique, the plot takes several surprising twists, and the whole tale is woven together with extreme care. Please try this story; I don't think you will be disappointed!