Not at all. Reaching Sahasrara with Kundalini is only the beginning of a long journey to evolve the Kundalini energy through 32 phases, each higher and more fantastic, resulting in abilities far beyond the comprehension of those with a Western philosophical mindset.
This ebook contains the author's personal experiences along with the experiences of the author while assisting disciples in evolving their Kundalini. Therefore, the information presented is authentic and not mere hearsay.
Additionally, there are fascinating bonuses for those whose Kundalini has reached Sahasrara. You can find more information about these bonuses in the ebook's preview.
Born in Padang on December 28, 1973, previously pursued a degree in Electronic Electrical Engineering at Sacramento, California, USA. Currently, pursuing an online degree in Health Science at the University of The People.
Since 1997, have been self-employed as a freelance I.T. consultant.
Entered the field of Bioenergy seriously in 2007 as a researcher at the Waskita Reiki Foundation.
Have been a Clairvoyance coach since 2010.
Starting in 2011, have been a coach for Kundalini Awakening.
Since 2011, have held the position of Head of Research and Development at the Reiki Association of Indonesia.
Since 2014, have been operating a therapy practice and training in Chiropractic/Orthopedic specialization based on Bioenergy.
In 2016, founded a business in the field of Bioenergetics named Bioenergy Solution Center (
Nicknamed "The Human Programmer" due to my various discoveries on how to reprogram the human software.
As of the writing of this second edition, I remain the only person who has successfully completed the Kundalini evolution up to phase 32 through my own efforts.