One may note that giving something to someone does not guarantee that he will receive something in the bargain. He will probably not get it back in the same motion. One of the spiritual rules of prosperity and success is the law of giving and receiving. Because giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin, it might be considered a natural thing that stays perpetual. On a purely energetic basis, they are inter-connected. Giving and receiving are closely linked, and people cannot think of one without the other. If somebody tries to interrupt the flow of either of these traits, the process will come to a halt.
Although it appears to be straightforward that all individuals give in some form yet all of them desire to receive something against it. People mostly don't know how to offer because they are perplexed by misunderstandings about the gifting process and restricting notions and concerns. They also don't know how to get over the subconscious barriers kept in between. Sometimes people believe they have been wronged and not given anything. It is common to know how upset some parents become when their children do not give a penny to them. They are so ungrateful for not giving their parents the attention and respect they need even though they have received so much from them.