Into the Spotlight

Β· Penguin UK
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Inspired by the much-loved classic Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild, Into the Spotlight is a magical new story from bestselling author and acclaimed performer Carrie Hope Fletcher.

Brilliant Aunt Maude visits seasides the world over and has become quite the pebble collector. Pebbles of all shapes, sizes and colours and even one that looked a bit like Elvis Presley if you squinted a bit.

Her favourite pebbles, however, are Marigold, Mabel and Morris. One by one, and by strange and unusual ways, each child arrives at the stage door of Brilliant Aunt Maude's theatre in the heart of London, home to an extraordinary cast of performers. There's Dante the miraculous magician, Petunia the storyteller and seventy-year-old contortionists - the Fortune Sisters! But ticket sales are dwindling and the curtains might have to close - for the final time.

Until one day, as the Pebbles are exploring the many nooks and crannies of the theatre, they stumble upon something they were never meant to find . . . something that just might save the theatre after all . . .

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Carrie Hope Fletcher (Author)
Carrie Hope Fletcher is an actress, singer and vlogger. Carrie has starred in a number of shows on London's West End and on national theatre tours. She has written several books for adults and has had numerous number one bestsellers.

Carrie's first book for children, Into the Spotlight, is inspired by Noel Streatfeild's beloved novel, Ballet Shoes, and has been endorsed by the Streatfeild estate.

Carrie lives just outside London with her boyfriend, Oliver, her tuxedo cat, Edgar and numerous fictional friends that she keeps on bookshelves, just in case.

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