1.The Factories Act, 1948, 2.┬аProvisions of the Factories Act Relating to Health and Welfare of Workers,3.┬аProvisions of the Factories Act Relating to Safety, 4.Working Hours of Adult, Employment of Young Person and┬аAnnual Leave with Wages,┬а5 .Special Provisions, Penalities and Procedure and Supplemental,┬а
UNIT - Ii┬аWorkmenтАЩs (EmployeeтАЩs) Compensation Act, 1923
1.WorkmenтАЩs (EmployeeтАЩs) Compensation Act, 1923 , 2 .EmployerтАЩs Liability for Payment of Compensation, 3.┬аCompensation Commissioner and Appeals,
UNIt - III┬аThe Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
1.The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, 2 .Authorities Under the Act and Settlement of Disputes, 3 .Reference of Industrial Disputes, 4.┬аProcedure, Powers and Duties of Authorities , 5 .Strikes and Lock-outs, 6.Lay-off and Retrenchment , 7.┬аSpecial Provisions Relating to Lay-off, Retrenchment and Closure, 8.┬аPenalties and other Miscellaneous Provisions,┬а
UNIT - IV┬аThe Payment of Wages Act, 1936 & The Minimum Wages Act
1.┬аThe Payment of Wages Act, 1936, 2 .The Minimum Wages Act,┬а
UNIT - V┬аThe EmployeesтАЩ State Insurance Act, 1948
1.The EmployeesтАЩ State Insurance Act, 1948 , 2 .Administration of EmployeesтАЩ State Insurance Scheme , 3 .Finance, Audit, Contribution and Benefits , 4.┬аAdjudication of Disputes, Claims and Penalties ,┬а
UNIT - VI┬аThe Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972┬а
1.The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 ,┬а
UNIT┬а- VII┬аThe Employees Provident Fund and┬аMiscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952
1.The Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952