Lpslover Xoxo
I have the book in person and I haven't yet finished it, I did get it a few hours ago. But I am already hooked on it and I know it will be a great book! I love dogs and anything to do with them. The cover is very attracting, my friend fought me for it lol and the theme is pretty original! Love it... so far!
3 people found this review helpful
Alyson Bass
This book is the kind of book you should read, its adventure packed. Also its very unpredictable, and a very well thought out book. Its absolutely hands down my favorite book. Another thing is if you're looking for a quick book, you could easily get through this book in three days.
4 people found this review helpful
Greg Golden
All I can say is some like these kind of stories, and some don't. However, I loved it so much. It has adventure and suspense. I am an animal lover and live for adventure so that may be why I adore this book, but i don't know, so just read and find out for yourselves. And Jesus loves u no matter what and if u don't believe me, watch the Passion and God's not dead.