Ibrahim Khalifa is Assistant Professor in the Food Technology Department at Benha University in Moshtohor, Egypt. Khalifa is a member of many scientific committees and has participated in many international conferences, workshops, and training modules. He has published more than 70 articles, and is the PI of Egypt-Italy project and Co-PrincipaI Investigator of 3 projects, including 1 with Bulgarian Academy of Science. He has voluntarily reviewed for more than 10 reputed journals and has 6 years of teaching experience.
Asad Nawaz is a post doctorate researcher at Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology at Yangzhou University in Jiangsu, China. He is a member of many scientific committees, and participated in numerous international conferences, workshops, and training modules. Nawaz has been a reviewer for more than 10 reputed journals and has published more than 70 articles.