Garrett Persyn
This book is a companion novel to the Jedi Academy Trilogy by Kevin J Anderson, and because of this, a large portion of your experience with this book will depend on your reception of the trilogy. If you liked it, you'll probably like the parts of this story that connect. If you didn't like it (like me), those parts of this book are probably the worst parts, though in my opinion they are still written better than the JAT. There are also large portions of this book which have their own story completely, independent of the events of JAT, and for the most part these sections shine, though there are occasionally some moments which seem unnatural, inconsistent, or amateurish. Overall, this book isn't bad, and is certainly better than JAT, despite largely depending on it.
David Kovacs
Simply wonderful, one of the best Star Wars books of all time period. The story draws you in and keeps you coming back for more, i would recommend this to even non Star Wars fans and fans of fiction, like i said this book is simply wonderful. MUST READ!
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