Mark Leslie lives in Hamilton, Ontario and has been writing since he first discovered his mother’s Underwood typewriter in the spare bedroom closet of the family home at the age of thirteen. His first published short story “The Progressive Sidetrack” (1992) was a Young Adult humor story, and his first published horror story “Phantom Mitch” (1993) received Honorable Mention in Ellen Datlow’s The Year’s Best Fantasy & Horror. Mark’s first book was a short story collection entitled One Hand Screaming, which he released in 2004. Since then, he has edited science fiction and horror anthologies such as North of Infinity II (2006), Campus Chills (2009) and Tesseracts Sixteen: Parnassus Unbound (2012). Curious about the paranormal (and still frightened by the monster under his bed), Mark also writes a series of true ghost story books for Dundurn which include Haunted Hamilton: The Ghosts of Dundurn Castle & Other Steeltown Shivers (2012), Spooky Sudbury: True Tales of the Eerie & Unexplained (2013) and Tomes of Terror: Haunted Bookstores & Libraries (2014) When he is not writing, Mark Leslie tacks “Lefebvre” back onto his name and divides his free time between playing LE GO and video games with his son, Alexander, tasting regional crafts beers and getting lost in bookstores and libraries.