What is hypersex? Is it the future of human sexuality? Enter the bizarre world of hyperreality where the reality principle is finally abolished. This is the true Matrix.
How does the extreme sexual creed of the Marquis de Sade relate to the Jewish religion? Are the Jews a race of extreme masochists? Read about Sade's extraordinary depiction of the sexual conduct of the Pope and what he got up to behind the sacred altar of St Peter's Basilica.
Read about Nietzsche's doctrine of eternal recurrence, about the Society of the Spectacle in which we all now live, and about the bizarre conspiracy theories of the ilk of David Icke.
Welcome to the truth. Welcome to the world of the Pythagorean Illuminati, the oldest secret society in the world.
Do not read this book if you are an Abrahamist or conspiracy theorist. This material is for radical freethinkers only.
Adam Weishaupt invites you to enter the forbidden world of secret societies. Are secret societies hidden because they are plotting against the world, or hidden because the powers-that-be are plotting against them and hunting them – as heretics, apostates, infidels, blasphemers, freethinkers, radicals and revolutionaries? Are secret societies the underground heroes as opposed to the subterranean villains? Are they demonized by those who want to keep you enslaved with lies and a false consciousness? Secret societies are devoted to discovering the ultimate knowledge that will liberate all of us. Join the freedom fighters, those heroically venturing into the Unknown Land to find the Holy Grail. Come and find out about the extraordinary world of secrets that presents a totally different conception of reality from the ones your overt rulers – the billionaires and their puppets – feed you. Don't you want to find out what is really going on?
What is iSex? It's sex, Illuminati style. It's Hypersex. There's no sex like it.