If the brain were removed from our bodies, then the bodies would become like lifeless puppets. Some people may have sharp brains and some may have weak brains. People who have completely weak brains, unstable brains, and or impaired brains usually have to undergo mental treatment or even have to be admitted to asylums for constant treatment. Do you know that?
The blood vessels that are spread in our brains have an average length of around one lakh miles. If the blood circulation stops in the brain, then within ten seconds a person loses consciousness. The grey matter of the brain is made up of neurons, which alert and comprehend by sending signals to the brain. The thickness of the neuron is 4 microns. On the tip of a needle, you can fit 30,000 neurons. In a human brain, there are around 100 billion neurons, i.e., as many stars as are available in the sky.