Hold Me Close

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À propos de cet ebook

Apart, they are broken, but together, they are whole

Effie and Heath are famous. Not for anything they did, but for what happened to them as teenagers. Abducted and abused by the same man, they turned to each other for comfort until they were finally able to make their escape.

Now adults, their relationship is fraught with guilt and despair. Whether fighting or making love, their passion is strong enough to destroy them both—and Effie’s not about to let that happen. She knows it’s time for her to have a “normal” relationship, even if Heath is convinced that they must face their past together in order to move forward. So while Effie continues to bring new men into her life, Heath becomes obsessed with proving he’s the one she needs.

Then a new crisis arises and Effie begins to lose every scrap of self-control she ever had. As she struggles against her desire to return to the one man who understands her, she discovers that sometimes the only safety you find is with the person who is the most dangerous for you.

Previously published

Quelques mots sur l'auteur

Megan Hart is the award-winning and multi-published author of more than forty novels, novellas and short stories. Her work has been published in almost every genre, including contemporary women’s fiction, romance, horror and science fiction. Megan lives in southwestern Ohio, which is too far away from the ocean. You can contact Megan through her website at www.MeganHart.com.

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