Problems such as food shortages due to increasing populations, global warming and climate change, and decreasing reserves of oil and other underground resources, have become more pressing in recent years. In the context of these problems, the book examines the role of the sago palm in sustainable food production, in the manufacture of other foodstuffs, as a raw material for ethanol and in the manufacture of biodegradable plastics. In addition to academics, this book will be useful to researchers and government officials working for international agencies, national governments, municipalities, and other research organizations; technicians, researchers, managers, entrepreneurs, and others working in industries such as agriculture, plant production, food production, manufacturing, chemical engineering, energy production, and distribution.
Book Editors:
Hiroshi Ehara, Ph.D., Professor
International Cooperation Center for Agricultural Education (ICCAE), Nagoya University
Yukio Toyoda, M.A., Professor
College of Tourism, Rikkyo University
Dennis V. Johnson, Ph.D.