JOSEPH COWLEY, born October 9, 1923, graduated from Columbia University in 1947, interrupting his academic career to serve two and a half years with the Army Air Force in World War II. The last months were spent as a bombardier with the Eighth Air Force, for which he received a Bronze Star. He earned his M.A. from Columbia in 1948 and taught English at Cornell University before entering sales. Most of his career was spent writing on sales and management for The Research Institute of America. He retired in 1982 to devote himself to his own writing. He is the author of the novels The Chrysanthemum Garden, Home by Seven, Landscape With Figures, Dust Be My Destiny, and The House on Huntington Hills; the plays The Stargazers, Twin Bill, and A Jury of His Peers; two collections of shorter fiction, The Night Billy Was Born and Other Love Stories, and Do You Like It and Other Stories; a biography of John Adams: Architect of Freedom (1735-1826); and, with Robert Weisselberg, The Executive Strategist, An Armchair Guide to Scientific Decision-Making. Recently he has been adapting classics for ESL students, among them: The Kreutzer Sonata by Tolstoy, Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky, The Scarlet Letter by Hawthorne, and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. He collected his favorite writings in The Best of Joseph Cowley as a tribute to his deceased wife. His articles have appeared in trade and science journals such as Jewelers Circular Keystone, Our Army and Popular Mechanics, and his short stories in Prairie Schooner, New-Story, The Maryland Review, Ohio Short Fiction, and other literary magazines. He has been listed in Who's Who, International Who's Who of Writers and Authors, Who's Who in the World, Strathmore's Who's Who, the Cambridge Blue Book, and other volumes. Organizations with which he is or has been associated are Mensa, Great Books, and the Authors Guild of America.