Facts are eagerly sought after by all, from the solemn conclaves of Science who seem to hang the destinies of the human race, down to a hack on the warpath after sensational news.
The Theosophical Society is neither sectarian nor a religious body, but simply a nucleus of men and women devoted to the search after truth, whencesoever it may come. No member is obliged to be in full sympathy with all three objects of our Society; suffice that he should be in sympathy with one of the three, and be willing not to oppose the other two, to render him eligible to membership.
Theosophy teaches a far stricter and more far-reaching Monism than does Secularism, and it is far more philosophical. We firmly believe that the elevating and strengthening influence of the doctrines of Reincarnation and Karma, i.e., of Hope and Responsibility, will solve many a social problem that seeks elsewhere in vain for a solution.
Our Society is the only body absolutely free from intolerance, dogmatism, and prejudice, and the only one which opens its arms to all, imposing on none its own special beliefs — which are strictly limited to a small inner group within it, called the Esoteric Section.