First Logos is the real Pythagorean Tetractys. It is the Esoteric Logos of the Invisible Monad. Tetragrammaton is Logos Demiourgos; it is the Tetractys of the profane.
In occult symbolism, Macroprosopus is the Square in the Circle and a veil over the Hierarchy of Compassion; Microprosopus, the Triangle in the Square. Macroprosopus is the Spiritual Tetrad; Microprosopus, the Material. The “Long Face” is Absoluteness, the Perfect Square within the Magic Circle, an ever Unknowable and Unmanifested Deity. The “Short Face” is the “Heavenly Man” or manifested Logos, the Triangle in the Square or the Sevenfold Cube.
The Abstract Cross ceases to exist and becomes the Circle or Boundary, for below rules the physical procreation of mortals, whereas above reigns the noetic creation of Gods. The great circle or Ring Pass-Not is the “Rope of the Angels” that hedges off the phenomenal from the noumenal Kosmos. 31415 (7 x 2 = 14) is the numerical hierarchy of the Dhyani-Chohans (the twice seven), number of the inner, circumscribed world, and the mystic Svastika. In other words, the astronomical pi veils the Benefactors of the World from prying minds.
It is the Lipikas, Recorders of the Karmic Ledger, that circumscribe the world of matter within a Ring Pass-Not thus making an impassable barrier between the personal ego of man and his impersonal Self, the Noumenon and Parent-Source of the former. This impassable barrier is neither a locality nor can it be measured by distance, for it exists in Absoluteness or Infinity. While numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 are successive emanations from Infinite Space, 4, 3, 2 veil the Infinite from objective perception and speculation. Number 1 is lost in its inaccessible solitude. Another veil unveiled!