1. A “Breath of Darkness” moving over “the slumbering Waters of Life,” i.e., primordial substance awakened by latent Consciousness.
2. A Ray descending from “no-place” and shooting “like a falling star through the planes of non-being into the first world of being,” of the Secret Doctrine.
3. Brahma, the first god of the Hindu Trimurti.
4. “Passive Wisdom in Heaven and Conscious, Self-Active Wisdom on Earth.”
5. The Ain-Soph of the Kabbalist.
6. The First Cause of the Bible.
7. “The Germ that dwelleth in darkness and breathes [moves] over [in] the slumbering waters of life,” of the Secret Doctrine.
8. The “Highest Consciousness” of the Occultist or, to be more precise, “the sum total of Dhyani-Chohanic consciousness.”
9. The Ishvara of the Indian Mystic.
10. The Monas of Pythagoras.