Only in the profound unconsciousness of self-forgetfulness can the truth and reality of being reveal itself to his eager heart.
Reflections upon the seemingly contradictory world we live in.
There is no room in the world for one who is not prepared to become a full-blown hypocrite.
Many newspaper editors show a decided leaning towards the mysteries of the archaic past.
No pagan, even of the lower classes, believed that the soul would return into its old body. But cultured Christians do.
Who can have the patience to read 1,500 pages of dreary metaphysical twaddle for the sake of discovering in it a few facts, however valuable?
Wealth leads to impunity, poverty to condemnation even by the law, for the impecunious have no means of paying lawyers.
What is good for the Masonic goose is not fit sauce for the Theosophical gander.