No “merging” or absorption can take place without dissolution, and an absolute annihilation of the previous form.
The venerable Paramahansa claims that he had “composed” himself into the state of Nirvikalpa, which Monier Williams defines as a state “destitute of all reflection.”
A mortal wound can be inflicted by the inner man upon another, neither by a real dagger nor by a hand of flesh — but simply by Will.
Spirit and Matter are illusionary aspects of the One Reality that veil Its ineffable splendour. These two ever-opposing forces are inseparable, interdependent, and interchangeable permutations of the One Life and Consciousness.
In a piece of wood or a stone there is as much latent spirit or life, as there is in a week-old human foetus.
Truth (central point) is everywhere: its outer boundary is nowhere.
Eastern occult philosophy is the only one which can lead to true knowledge, for its starts from and proceeds only on principles clearly defined and accurately known.