Handbook of Grid Generation addresses the use of grids (meshes) in the numerical solutions of partial differential equations by finite elements, finite volume, finite differences, and boundary elements. Four parts divide the chapters: structured grids, unstructured girds, surface definition, and adaption/quality. An introduction to each section provides a roadmap through the material.
This handbook covers:Fundamental concepts and approaches
Grid generation process
Essential mathematical elements from tensor analysis and differential geometry, particularly relevant to curves and surfaces
Cells of any shape - Cartesian, structured curvilinear coordinates, unstructured tetrahedra, unstructured hexahedra, or various combinations
Separate grids overlaid on one another, communicating data through interpolation
Moving boundaries and internal interfaces in the field
Resolving gradients and controlling solution error
Grid generation codes, both commercial and freeware, as well as representative and illustrative grid configurations
Handbook of Grid Generation contains 37 chapters as well as contributions from more than 100 experts from around the world, comprehensively evaluating this expanding field and providing a fundamental orientation for practitioners.