Dr. H.A. Eiselt is a Professor of Management at the University of New Brunswick (Canada) and an Adjunct Professor with the Department of Industrial Engineering at Dalhousie University (Canada). He is an Associate Editor and Book Review Editor of INFOR. Prof. Eiselt also serves on the Advisory and Editorial Boards of Computers and Operations Research, and the International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management. His main research interests are in various aspects of location analysis and decision theory. He has (co-) authored more than 120 research articles and written and edited 13 books.
Dr. Vladimir Marianov is an Emeritus Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. His main research areas are the optimal location of facilities and telecommunications. He has published more than 80 articles in peer-reviewed journals and presented numerous papers at congresses and conferences and co-edited and written four books. He has directed state, federally, and internationally funded research projects, served as a consultant to telecommunications and logistics companies and the government.