Jerome H. Reichman is the Bunyan S. Womble Professor of Law at Duke University School of Law. His research deals with the impact of intellectual property on public health, developing countries, and global science policy. He is the co-author, most recently, of Intellectual Property Rights: Legal and Economic Challenges for Development (2014).
Paul F. Uhlir, JD was Director of the Board on Research Data and Information at the National Academies in Washington, DC, and of the US CODATA until the end of 2014. He is currently a Scholar at the National Academy of Sciences and a consultant on data policy and management.
Tom Dedeurwaerdere is Director of the Biodiversity Governance Unit and Professor of the Philosophy of Social Sciences at Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. The editor of two books on the global environmental commons, he was recently awarded a grant from the European Research Council for a project on governing the global genetic resource commons.