continents and faced great obstacles in search of wealth. Yet,
ancient Israel’s King Solomon wrote, “Sell everything and buy
Wisdom! Forage for Understanding! Above all and before all, do
this: Get Wisdom!” (Proverbs 4:5 - MSG). The greatest fortune
on earth pales in comparison to godly wisdom.
World-renowned Evangelist Bonnke has now collected into one
book the insightful vignettes of wisdom from his more than
60-years of faith-filled ministry. Godly Gems offers the reader
clear, concise, and practical wisdom that can be readily applied
to life’s challenges. Godly Gems is the perfect book for anyone
who wants to enrich themselves with true heavenly treasure!
For more than 60-years, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke has
preached the Gospel with an unrelenting passion for Jesus. In
1974, Evangelist Bonnke founded Christ for all Nations
(CfaN), which is best known for its pioneering mass-evangelism
work throughout Africa and beyond. To date, more than
78-million people have come to know Jesus through CfaN’s
Gospel Outreach Campaigns – large-scale evangelistic
events marked by super-natural displays of God’s power to heal bodies
and restore lives. He has written more than 30 books and appears regularly
on Christian programming worldwide.