Cicero's defence speech for the former governor of the province of Gallia Transalpina, Marcus Fonteius, is still one of the most important sources if you want to take a closer look at the Roman province in question. The oratio is an important starting point for the depiction of the dynamics of Roman foreign policy and foreign trade at the time of the late Republic. The text itself has been handed down in a very fragmentary and problematic state and requires an updated critical edition in order to offer a usable text. The evaluation of linguistic and stylistic issues is essential and is also covered in this book. At the same time, the aspects of Roman history, politics and economics of the period that emerge from the speech are analysed, along with an original and innovative interpretation of the process and the event in question. The aim is to ensure that the importance of this speech for the understanding of the Roman Republic and of Cicero as a lawyer, orator and politician is understood and recognised.