Mo Daoust
Or should it be his Viking warrior... The evening after a battle in Rouen, the Viking warriors were partaking in a feast at their jarl's, Will Longsword. Bjorn had noticed a beautiful woman in white sitting at his jarl's table; she was now at his side. Bjorn hadn't recognised his childhood friend Ilsa, it had been a long time since he had been banished from Vellefold. Ilsa has a proposition for him: Vellefold needs his warrior's skills for a short while. He is not interested, especially as he would take his orders from her. However, his jarl endorses Ilsa's idea, and Bjorn is off to Norway with the other Forgotten Sons before he knows what hit him. Gina Conkle's research and understanding of the Viking era is absolutely astonishing. From the first page, we are transported to AD 930, from Rouen - a Viking settlement - then sailing away to Norway on a longship. The author's knowledge extends to the mores and customs, the way of life of warriors, simple villagers, and nobility alike. And the things I learned on ivory, ravens, clothing, and the roles women played in that society. The Viking era atmosphere is so meticulously crafted and sustained that not one word took me out of the story for the duration. Bjorn and Ilsa are not the most loquacious, they're doers. They don't see the return to their native village the same way, but upon witnessing the devastation, Bjorn understands he is needed, and he has an ulterior motive as well. Things were cruising along just fine, lost as I was in mental contemplation of the lyrical descriptions of the vistas, the ship, the sea voyage, the feast, the decimated village, the despondent survivors, then Ilsa reveals a secret to Bjorn that severely complicates matters. Bjorn is a true Viking warrior, but Ilsa is a heroine for the ages! What can I say other than I think she is perfect. Not in the way that she has no flaws, but that she conquers them. She has goals and she will see them realised, however much it costs her; she is a heroine I believe in and admire. There are many secondary characters, including the other Forgotten Sons, of course, all beautifully defined. And while HER VIKING WARRIOR is book two in the Forgotten Sons series, it stands entirely on its own, Rurik not taking part in the adventure. Bjorn and Ilsa are two very strong people, their relationship is fraught with peril and it is all very realistic. The battle towards the end is a monument of highly descriptive and eloquent writing; it is like being there! Viking romance has found its own skald - poet - in Gina Conkle. Now, about Magnus...
Carole Burant
I thoroughly enjoyed this Viking story, written as only Gina Conkle can! From page one I found myself immersed in the story and could just picture it all in my mind. I've always been fascinated with the Viking era and it's stories like this one that whet my appetite. Book #2 of the Forgotten Sons series is Bjorn and Ilsa's story. They had been close as children and then torn apart when Bjorn was banished from their village at 12 years of age. Now, 18 years later, Ilsa goes in search of Bjorn who is now part of the Forgotten Sons warriors and brings him back to the village. His father, the jarl, is dying and the village needs him and his warriors to help them fight the enemy. Filled with bitterness and wanting revenge on his father, Bjorn soon realizes that he must help protect the people, no matter how he feels about his father. Ilsa hardly recognizes this hardened warrior but can't ignore the attraction she feels for him and it's a slow burn before they finally get together. I was given an ARC of tis book via NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.
Lori Dykes
Enter the world of the Vikings as master wordsmith Gina Conkle takes you on an unforgettale adventure that does not stop until the last page. Her knowledge from extensive research makes this era come alive to the point you feel you are there and see how they lived and interacted with customs and the battles they fought. Bjorn and Isla had been childhood friends but years had pasted since they had seen each other when he had been banished from Velleford. In celebration after a battle Bjorn notice a beautiful woman at the table with the Jarl. Isla had come with a proposition for him because the village needed a warrior's skills. He of course does not want to return but since his leader endorses her request, he takes the other Forgotten Sons and sets out. But everything is not as Isla represented and he is torn on what to do and even though he is attracted to her. A tale of secrets, deception, betrayal and many twist and turns as these two try to find there happy ending. I read this through NetGallery.